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Confusion vs. Clarity: How to Accurately Present Your Church Online

Content // May 11, 2015 //

The purpose of your digital ministry is to accurately present your church online. To be accurate in every sense of the word, you must bear in mind the church’s mission, culture, and size. Communicate these things in the church website and other aspects of your digital ministry model. That way, current and future members can get a true sense of your church and have a desire to be involved in your church community.

Suggested Areas to Express Your Church Accurately:

Mission and Vision

Information about the statement of faith by the church will be essential. Take time to describe the church: what is your church’s values? What are the plans for the future? Growth in numbers? Create a stronger quality of church membership? Form life groups with special priorities? Whatever the mission and vision, it is important that website visitors gain an understanding of the church’s current and future priorities. Although all churches have one main goal— to spread the word of God—not all churches are right for all people. Members should feel that they truly belong in a church culture in order to put forth their best individual effort into building Christian fellowship. People should have an idea of what to expect when they visit the church.

Bio Information

Website visitors, especially new or prospective members, seek to know the leaders of a church community. When considering a church, you will want to have a face to associate with each role. Information about who runs the affairs of the church should be provided such as the pastors, clergy, leaders, and volunteer staff.

Special Services and Other Special Events

Provide details about things that may be unique to your church, like special service times or events that only occur in your church. Just like any business, a church will have to highlight what makes them different to be able to attract new members and maintain current ones. That’s not to say that a church is all about being different. But let’s face it, unique features are part of the church culture. If your church is more traditional and prefers Sunday morning services, then website visitors need to know this. If your church is open to less orthodox service times, like Saturday or Sunday evening, then visitors may find an interest in that as well.

Activities of the Church

Include details about the activities done by the church and the impact it has had on the community. Post testimonies of members telling about the impact the church has had on their lives. You can also talk about the various ministries the church is involved in and the success it has had. Every church has an impact and fellowship seeking individuals appreciate these types of success stories.

Visitor’s Page

A church website should have a page dedicated to new visitors. Information on this page should be precise and have information that will provide an overview of the church. A number of key interest areas for visitors can be linked to this page such as contact information, testimonies, location of the church and the church calendar.

Investing in a Website: Accuracy Matters

The areas described above can indicate to website visitors the culture of your church. However, there is another aspect to website accuracy: expressing facts accurately. This includes dates and times. Information about activities and services needs to be accurate and uploaded in a timely manner to make your church website work effectively. Users can lose confidence in the idea of a digital ministry when information is not accurate. Inaccuracy can train members not to use the website at all, and that would undermine the entire investment.

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About Rob Laughter

Rob is a Christian, a husband, and a father to two beautiful girls. Rob has 15 years' experience in website design and development, and spent six years as the CEO of Connective Insights, a digital marketing agency, before founding Churchly in 2015. You can follow Rob on Twitter at @roblaughter, and keep up with him in his personal blog,

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